Active Incident at Automotive Facility

The site of a former petroleum retail facility (currently operating as an automotive facility) filed a Notice of Residual Petroleum. GRI successfully removed three 6,000-gallon gasoline Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and associated dispensers and product piping from the site. After originally recommending no additional assessment for the site, NCGEQ opted to require a Phase 1 LSA. After GRI completed all relevant assessments, NCDEQ concluded that no further action was required.

Active incident at automotive facility calls for cleanup.

This site was a former petroleum retail facility and currently operates as a car wash, tire retail and automotive repair facility.  The site had an active incident and filed a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) via a previous consultant.  

Geological Resources, Inc. (GRI) was contracted to remove three 6,000-gallon gasoline Underground Storage Tanks (USTs), associated dispensers and product piping from the site.  A total of 333.56 tons of soil was removed from the site during the UST closure.  No over-excavation activities were conducted following UST system removal.  Although ground water was encountered during excavation activities, following discussions with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) personnel, it was decided to forego the installation of a monitoring well.  This decision stemmed from discussions regarding the past incident and the fact that there was no free product present during closure activities and no observable contamination of soils encountered.  Concentrations of requested method constituents that exceeded the applicable soil quality standards were, however, reported in the soil samples collected.  In the closure report, GRI recommended no additional assessment for this site.

After report submittal, NCDEQ changed the initial opinion and opted to require a Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA).  One Type II monitoring well was installed in the former UST basin and sampled.  No free product was observed and the collected sample was analyzed for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 6200B, lead by EPA Method 6010B and EDB by EPA Method 504.1.  The concentration of lead reported in the ground water sample exceeded the MAC, however, none of the reported contaminant concentrations exceeded the Gross Contamination Levels (GCLs).  

NCDEQ granted a status of No Further Action (NFA) after GRI completed the NRP.

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